To know me at all is to understand that writing is a great
outlet for me. I may not talk much, let alone with the same freedom and
articulation as I do in writing, but please don't ever mistake my quietness or
silence for a lack of an opinion or agreement with a topic being discussed for
that is rarely the case. Sometimes it just takes me a while to form the right
words and put them in the correct order to get across whatever point I am
attempting to make. Also, being able to write things down, those pesky thoughts
that continue to bounce around inside my head demanding some sort of release,
is a bit like letting the air out of a balloon, after which I can sleep
peacefully again. To keep them inside is to perpetuate my own inner torture and
frustration. Much of my writing is to release the discontent and disquiet in my
head and heart and not to in any way claim absolute correctness, full
knowledge, or expertise on any given topic. My writing is often my outward
wrestling with an inner issue. This writing falls into this category. A
favorite bumper sticker I once saw said, "Don't believe everything you
think." I accept that challenge and I hope others do, too.
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Elmina, former slave castle, Elmina, Ghana. |
Forgive me my vehemence. Or don't. But I ask you to attempt
to consider these things. From my perspective. Through my clumsy impassioned
attempts to articulate my understanding of aspects of my faith and the words on
a page from a book I'll never wholly understand despite my continual efforts to
do so. I'm no expert on the Bible (though I do attempt to know it and grow my
relationship with God through its study and reading) or gun laws (of which I
make no such similar claim). But I am a citizen of this earth for now. And I'm
angry. Probably no surprise there. Many things make me angry. Some of it is
justified. Some of it, maybe not. But really angry. Shaking, trembling furious
frustrated wrecked heartbroken angry. Like when someone ignorantly and
heartlessly says "She asked for it by dressing that way," or that "They
should go back to where they came from." Fury.
This anger is in regards to guns & gun violence and the
people responsible for the continual atrocities being committed against
innocent populations all over this country. I'm not only referring to the
murders who physically attack the innocents. Admittedly, I hate, despise,
loathe, abhor guns. That is no secret. I find the defense of unrestricted
access to deadly weapons reprehensible and nauseating.
- "Guns don't kill people, people do."
- "Someone wanting a gun intent on destruction will get one no matter what laws are in place so why bother?"
- "It's my right as a citizen to own guns, according to the constitution."
- "Give everyone guns, arm the teachers, and that will stop them."
- "It's not about guns, its about mental illness or religious fanaticism or (insert your excuse/who or what you blame here)."
- "Why punish the law-abiding citizens because of a few radicals?"
- "People kill people with their cars so why aren't people trying to take away cars?"

and numerous other arguments. These are not answers or valid
arguments!! Just give up? Let them do as they please? Hell, we'll give you our
blessing through our apathy and ostrich-like ignorance and just hope for the
best? No! Unacceptable!! Saying mass public shooting aren't about guns is about
as absurd as saying sex trafficking isn't about forced sex or rape for profit,
or that immigration issues aren't about racism. Of course, there are other
issues involved with these very complex issues, I'm not denying that in the
least, but to take the main issue out of the conversation is nonsensical. We
don't have these mass murders happening with sling-shots or bows & arrows,
though there is the occasional knife attack, which doesn't result in nearly as
many deaths as a gun attack. Mass shootings are being committed by people with
guns. Lots of guns. Guns & bullets that kill other people. Not sling-shots,
not bows & arrows. Guns. Wielded by people, predominantly men, who easily
accessed these murder weapons. Far too easily. What does my neighbor or brother
or whoever need an automatic or semi-automatic weapon for? And why would we
think it was okay in the first place? Thank you, NRA, for your effective
propaganda and tireless lobbying on behalf of your greed and self-interest.
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Psych ward, Alcatraz. |
I've heard your arguments. Now humor me and hear mine. I can
not comprehend the ignorance or complete blindness required to completely deny
that there is a problem with guns in this country. Go ahead, look up the
statistics. You can blame it on mental illness or religious extremism or whatever
you want to if it makes you feel better but that isn't going to change the
facts. By the way, if all these people who are shooting up churches, businesses
and schools are all mentally ill as is the frequent claim, true or not, why are
you so eager to gun them down (see argument about arming teachers in schools to
stop the threat as an example)? Does qualifying them as insane, psychopathic or
sociopathic somehow justify their murder? Is that not the same rationale that
made slavery acceptable? They are somehow less than so they are thereby
unworthy of life? Wrong. God created man in His image and said it was good. All
mankind. Worthy.
As for the weak and absurd car vs. guns argument, first of
all, vehicles are primarily modes of transportation. They are purchased with
the purpose of transporting people from one place to another. They are NOT
purchased generally as a weapon. A gun has no other purpose than to be a
weapon. It can not be used for transportation. Secondly, the laws and
regulations around even being able to drive a vehicle are many. You can not
just walk into the DMV and get your license without having first getting a
learners permit, taking a drivers education course which generally takes
several months and passing a written and driving test. If you fail, you do not
get your license. You have to try again until you get it right. Then, if you
are a teenager, you are still limited in your driving abilities. You can't
drive with other teens in the car that aren't family members, I believe, nor
can you drive late at night, for at least 6 months. These particular
restrictions were not in place when I was getting my license so I may not have
all that information complete and accurate. But the point is, there are
multiple restrictions that govern getting a license and having a license. If
you abuse this privilege, there are
consequences such as getting your license taken away and on and on. Guns do not
have the same restrictions on acquiring or possessing them, though there are
restrictions on felons having them and some other restrictions. See the table
below. Yes, it is from Wikipedia so take that with a grain of salt, but I was
wanting something succinct and this is what I found. No permit required for
purchase. No owner license required. No training required. Can you see my
point? Can you see the absurdity of claiming vehicles are anything like guns?
Guns are weapons. Vehicles are modes of transportation that, if used outside of
the bounds of their intended use and by individuals under the influence of
anger, alcohol, dementia, etc., can kill people. Guns, when used as they are
intended to be used, kill.
( I
don't understand the 'responsible, law-abiding' gun-owners response that more
laws and restrictions will only inhibit their perceived 'rights'. If you are
such a law-abiding, responsible citizen, why are you so threatened by even
basic restrictions such as maybe a gun-safety course, background checks, and
limits on assault weapons, to pick a few? If you have done nothing wrong in the
past which might prohibit you buying that gun, then you have nothing to worry
about. That law-abiding, responsible citizen ought not to fear regulations that
protect their rights while making it safer for the rest of us who choose not to
arm ourselves. Knowing that any Dylann, Christopher, or James can purchase a
gun without so much as a training course or license makes me ill. And it should
not sit well with you either.
Gun violence is primarily about guns, people with guns,
about unrestricted access to any kind of gun you might conceive of. It's about
a population that would rather allow this uncontrolled access to deadly weapons
than to even pretend to want to enforce basic laws out of, (here's that word again),
fear that the government is somehow
infringing upon their so called freedom, their rights as an American. Owning a
gun is not a human right, yet somehow it is perceived as one, as if it's the
only way to protect your family, to guarantee your freedom, independence, life,
happiness. When did the constitution replace the word of God as the ultimate
truth and guide to life for His followers? The 2nd amendment shouldn't trump
the 6th commandment. It's about people who value their perceived right to carry
a gun over the right to life, which is an actual right given to us by our
Creator. It's about the hearts of a fallen and broken humanity that stubbornly
rejects anything that threatens its selfish desires. It's about a population
that stubbornly refuses to admit that there is a problem because, society-forbid, we
actually acknowledge our complicity in these crimes by our very apathy and
outright opposition to anything that seems to threaten this 'freedom'. Make no
mistake, we are complicit.
He who passively accepts evil is as
much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil
without protesting against it is really cooperating with it... History will
have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition
was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the
good people." Dr Martin Luther King Jr.
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Inscription found in the former slave fortresses in Ghana. |
While I'd like to see guns disappear from this world, I
don't actually see that happening and am not really advocating for that. I see
no use for them in a civilian setting (no I'm not advocating a police state,
either, just some of that not-so-common-anymore sense), other than hunting for
food, (not for 'sport' since a sport is only when both sides know the rules and
are willingly participating, but that's another conversation), or for keeping
wild animals from attacking your domestic animals like on a farm. If they
aren't being used in these instances and the practice involved, what other
instances is there a valid use for them, outside of the military in war (again,
another topic for another time)? Inanimate objects are rarely causes for real
concern, though I hear those cans and bottles can be quite terrifying. ;) So
if you're not running off coyotes and if you're not hunting for food or doing
target practice, or possibly taking part in some sort of shooting competition, what
else is there? I don't know many actual hunters or farmers but I know several
people who carry or have guns. So what exactly do you intend to shoot with that
gun, not being a hunter or a farmer/rancher or sportsman? That leaves humans. Animate
objects. Living, breathing people. Well, at least they started out that way,
before. Victims. Statistics until they are your statistic. Then, sometimes,
they matter. Sometimes. Stockpiling weapons to 'protect' yourself and your
family from the more often than not imagined impending assault from … whoever
(probably those people from over there
with different, darker skin color than you, though you may not admit it), is
evidence of a fear-full spirit and mind and often underlying or blatant racist
ideology. How many times do we read about someone being shot and killed
because the now-murderer thought the other person had a gun and then it turns
out that the now-murdered person was unarmed? Imagined threat. Far too often,
this jumping, shooting at shadows, this killing of innocents. Needlessly. Death
before breathing. Irreversible actions before thoughtful reactions. Fear full. We
are not called to live in fear, to give in to worry.
I took you
from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said,
‘You are my servant’; I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your
God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my
righteous right hand. “All who rage against
you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as
nothing and perish. Though you search for your
enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as
nothing at all. For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to
you, Do
not fear; I will help you." (Isaiah 41:9-13, emphasis added).
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Clock remnants, Cape Coast Castle, Ghana. |
Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do
not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what
you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body
more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow
or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more
valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a
single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this
very little thing, why do you worry about the rest? (Luke 12:22-26, emphasis added)
Worry gains me nothing but can cost me everything. My safety
and protection isn't found in some man-made thing that only promises death to
the other in exchange for my safety,
but in the promises of my God. There is nothing that any human can do to me
that God can't redeem, including my death. I believe that. That does NOT mean
that I welcome the evil in this world into my life and act intentionally foolish.
I could choose to lock myself in a bunker in order to 'protect' myself from
whatever evils in the world I feared. To 'protect' myself. Out of fear. Worry.
I could do that. Some people do that. Some people buy guns. For 'protection.'
Out of fear. Worry. I could join the fear-full masses. Or… I, we, could actually
believe what He said. Take Him at His word. Faith, trust, hope, love.
You, dear
children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater
than the one who is in the world. They
are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the
world listens to them. We are from God, and
whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to
us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of
falsehood. (1 John 4:4-6, emphasis added)
"So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will
not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered
in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. Do
not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be
afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell,"
(1 John 3:16-28, emphasis added).
People are too quick to say they'd kill anyone who
threatened their family or sense of freedom (read sense of entitlement to
everything we think we deserve as
opposed to the things God has promised us if we would only believe). I get it.
There is much I would do, will do, have done when people I love have come under
attack. None of them physically violent, mind you. Emotions run high. It
happens. Then sanity slowly returns. As professed Christians who supposedly
believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God, how do we so easily run right
over, dismiss, ignore the command to Not Kill? It's right there, clearly
stated, in 4 small words. Thou shall not kill or in some versions, do not
commit murder. Period. Full-stop. Next commandment. There are no exceptions given
after this command in any of the versions I've read; no "Thou shall not
kill… except when someone makes you mad, except when someone threatens you,
except when you are being attacked, except when they kill your family."
I've never seen that in the Holy Bible. I have seen:
You have heard that
it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist
an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.
And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand
over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to
go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one
who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
(Matt 5:38-42, emphasis added)
You have heard that
it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray
for those who persecute you, that you may be
children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and
the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If
you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax
collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own
people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?
Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
(Matthew 5:43-48, emphasis added).
(Do not mistake my beliefs and convictions for any amount of
perfection in any of these areas on my part. I fail more than I succeed on any
of these issues.) How did we become so willing to send someone to hell on the
spot and defend it by slotting it under 'self-defense'? Most assuredly, that is
what you would be doing. Sending an unbelieving soul to hell. If you, as a
Christian, know where your eternity lies and profess to be concerned about the
souls of unbelievers, how can you be so willing to end that life in defense of
your already assured eternity with Christ? You know where you're going, he
probably doesn't. If your death, rather than retaliation, allows for the
opportunity for the person to come to know Christ at some point in their life
after your death, is that not the ultimate sacrifice? Isn't that what Jesus
did? Didn't he allow Himself to be brutally murdered for all of us who had not
yet come to know Him even when He could have easily avoided such a horrific
death before His resurrection? Sacrifice. And didn't He call us to follow Him,
to be like Him? Obedience and emulation. To give up our lives for Him? Service.
Obviously, we are not Christ, but we are called to be like Christ, to lay down
our lives for not only our friends but our enemies. Might 'laying down our
lives' look an awful lot like not killing someone who was attacking us, our
families, our man-given freedoms? Might it look like fighting for the sanctity
of life, of all lives and particularly the lives the world has continually said
through action and speech that they don't matter? Not just yours or your
family's. All life. Might it look just a little bit like Christ?
I will not be passive nor stand idly by nor cooperate. No, I
don't think guns as inanimate objects are evil. The evil lies in the hearts and
minds of people who ignore God's word. I don't own a gun, obviously, but if I
did and if my giving it up meant that another life might be prolonged because
of that, regardless of what might (never) happen to me, that's a no-brainer. No
question about it. Give it up. Especially in light of the Gospel. Especially in
light of His promises. There is no material possession I have that I wouldn't
get rid of if doing so might mean the preservation of another's life. My TV. My
camera…ouch. My internet access. Pick anything. Is there anything more precious
to you than another life? Than the life of your child? Your spouse? Your sibling?
Your parent? Your friend? Here's a tough one… that stranger or your neighbor
who we're supposed to love in the same way we love ourselves? Owning a gun
ought not to be more precious than these lives. Than your life. So why are we
as a society so afraid of both the imagined attacker and limiting access to the
very same threat we are so afraid of? It makes no sense. Can we not see the
absurdity? My life is not made free by guns. Guns aren't going to keep me safe.
I don't have the answer and don't pretend to know it all or refute these
arguments sufficiently. And I don't know much. Boy, I'd be sitting pretty if I
did! But denying that there is a problem, refusing to enforce the laws that are
in place, enacting basic restrictions, and ignoring God's word on the matter
will only result in more unnecessary premature deaths. How much longer will you
be complicit, with or without a gun to your name?
He came to set the captives free. All of us. Captive. Can be free. From fear. From worry. To love. To live.
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Slave quarters, Elmina Castle, Ghana. |
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