35 has been a record year and not always in a good way. Hard to explain really. Or
maybe I just don't want to dwell on that or go there or be that honest with
myself long enough to be honest with anyone else. But if you know me, you know
there have been personal challenges and many changes over this past year. Here
are 35 of them.
1. Nikita came in to my life! Nikita, my gorgeous red 2008 Mini
Cooper S. A dream years in the making, finally come to be. More exhilarating
and fun than I could have imagined. The best part of my day is more often than
not getting to drive her.

4. I bought a house. Exciting! Fun. New. 2 acres down a dead
end road. Away from the noise. Under the stars that I have missed so much.
Possibilities. A home of my own. For Mom, too. A bizarre and foreign feeling.
5. I bought a house. Terrifying. Terrifying. Terrifying.
Excruciating process. One frustration after the other after the other.
Stumbles. Trips. Sucker punches. For a woman who doesn't like surprises, bad
ones, this was an unpleasant process. Not only the process of getting to the
point of getting keys to a house but the process, mentally, emotionally, of
taking on this huge terrifying responsibility, questioning whether this is the
right thing to do, the right time, for Mom, for me. Nauseating for sure.
6. I took my first trip to Thailand! I've wanted to visit Thailand for a
long time and I finally got the opportunity to go. It was part school/part
personal trip. I went in January, when the snow was dumping and moving to our
new house was not yet done. More on this trip in another post. Great trip on
the personal side. To get to Chinatown, go
through the automotive repair neighborhood. Disappointing on the school side.

9. Oceanside
weekend. I've never stayed in Oceanside,
OR, before and had only been
there once. It's secluded and less crowded with tourists than say Cannon Beach
or that area. Lovely little inn with a great view of the ocean. In the most
wonderfully unexpected bonus to an already wonderful trip, I found out a dear
friend lived near there and we got to catch up. A pretty perfect weekend.
10. New Orleans.
Meeting up with missed friends. Exploring the French Quarter, a rather small
section of town. Eating the best pesto pasta in a French restaurant while the
rain pours down. Vibrant art and music everywhere, not all of it good, my
favorite a wonderful violin and drum duo.
11. SeaJusticeMove conference with CJ in Seattle. Was a great opportunity to share
something I’m passionate about with a dear friend.
12. Mom's 80th birthday celebration. How do you do justice to
celebrating and appreciating the great woman who I am so fortunate and blessed
to call my Mom? I have no idea but I think she enjoyed it.
13. Campout at Diamond Belle Ranch for the second year in a row.
Such a great location though fewer mosquitoes would always be welcome.
14. We were forced to move out of the Storm Ave apt. Not good. Given 20 days
notice to move after being assured we wouldn't have to move if the property
sold. So much frustration and anger and stress over this unexpected infuriating
situation. Not to mention that I'd already booked and planned my New Orleans
trip for the last week in May to coincide with finishing classes for the
summer, not to coincide with having to be out by the end of May.
15. It was nothing short of God's divine provision that we were able to
move into my brother's rental house that was suddenly available and that my
family did so much to help us move for the first time this year.

17. Gilmore Girls season! So excited for this reboot, though I
was ultimately disappointed with how they ended it. I should have known. I
tried preparing myself. But the chance to see them again was just to hard to
resist. I didn't try very hard honestly. I generally dislike sequels and this
sort of falls under that category for me. I still love the show, though.

19. The nightmare of an election and new president that has been
innumerable injustices piled up one on top of the other for months thus far. I
still don't understand how this has happened and it still upsets me. I don't
believe in remaining silent in the face of injustice and I will continue to
speak against policies, organizations, governments, people, etc., who promote
injustice. Our God is a God of justice and as people who profess faith in Him,
we should be, too.

20. So much snow this year!! I do so enjoy snow. It's a good
thing cuz we had feet and feet of it this year. Not great for trying to move to
the new house in but oh so beautiful to witness there. Gonna have to get an SUV
cuz Nikita does not like winter, much to my disappointment. She doesn't like
the mud of spring either. Kind of pain, that one.
21. Visiting the Whitney Plantation outside of New Orleans. A scorching hot/umbrella-for-protection-from-the-sun
sort of day. Connecting the dots of slavery from Elmina,
Ghana to New Orleans, LA.

22. Painting the inside of my own house with lots of help with far more
talented people than I. Over Christmas and New Years holidays. Not ideal but 3-day weekends are not to
be wasted when there is so much work to be done before moving. The house is in
good condition, just wanted to get as much painted before we moved as possible.

24. Any chance to go exploring with Nikita is a highlight for

26. Mercy Project of Washington, the anti-human trafficking
awareness group I helped start, disbanded. To my considerable frustration and
disappointment. I had no role in most of the decisions made for the group so it
shouldn't have surprised me that I had no part in the decision to disband it.
He has bigger and better things in store and the lessons I learned from the
group will certainly go with me.

27. Aunt Jan, Cousin Jess and her daughter Taylor came out to
visit. I hadn't met Taylor and hadn't seen Jess since we were teenagers. It's was
so much fun getting to spend time with them and catch up.
29. Figured out what I'll be writing my thesis on. See above. Exciting, intimidating, scary.
30. Every moment spent with friends who know me and love me
31. Family who continually show up for me. Couldn't have moved,
twice, without their help.

ery hard to do. I didn't plan to move the first time and when I found our new home I had already planned the Thailand trip. Hopefully there is no more moving for several years. Now for the settling and adjusting to this new place.
33. Slept my first night in my first home on Christmas eve.
Cushions on the floor in my room. Didn't sleep very well. New place and all. Plus,
it was Christmas eve and who can sleep well on that night, no matter their age?
34. Started going to Redeemed City Church. It is a refreshingly
honest and beautifully genuine gathering.